Tuesday, December 26, 2017

A Gift for Mom for Christmas

I wanted to give my mom a special gift but I knew it would be one she would resist. So I wrote her this poem to go along with it. Turns out the book would have been gift enough. =)

It was done in StoryBird.com. You can see the book with artwork here.

From Us to You Because You Have Done It Too:

When a mama bird loves her babies, she does whatever they need.

A warm comfy nest and lots of bird seed.

And in those fun times when they all get to meet

The mama is likely to say, “It’s my TWEET!”

When it’s time for your bedtime and your mom tops them all

She’ll tell you some stories and sing songs till you fall

Into a slumber both peaceful and deep

And she whispers to you, “Sweet dreams they’re my treat!”

Little bears love their mothers.

They teach them to fish and to hunt and to find all the berries they wish.

But mama bears do not just teach us to eat.

They will also catch extra and say, “It’s my treat!”

When your mom takes you out for adventures and trips

She shows you a world full of fishes and ships

You look on in wonder at the people you meet

She smiles at you brightly and says, “It’s my treat!”

Ever lose your mom shopping? It’s a terrible time!

You can’t seem to find her - then she’s there in that line!

She knows you’re so scared and she says oh so sweet,

“Don’t worry my dear, pick a toy - it’s my treat!”

When a loved one is lost and you can’t fathom why

Your mom will sit with you, rub your hair while you cry.

She’ll tell you great stories of your lost one’s best feats

And wiping your tears, she whispers, “It’s my treat.”

So you look at your life - all the fun and the games

And even the times when you felt all that pain

You know in your heart that your mom will be there

Because in a heart beat she brings so much care

In a call or a visit...she won’t miss a beat.

She hugs you so tightly and says, “It’s my treat.”

Don’t look on this gift as a loan we repay

Or to answer a call based on things that you say

It’s not out of guilt, obligation or shame

It’s just that we want to, and can just the same.

So if you resist it just take one more beat 

And find in your heart to accept - it’s OUR treat!